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Season 1 Summary

The story follows Erik, a young Cleric from the Clerics League, who is sent by his master to the Citadel of Jurango on a secret mission.


Upon arrival, Erik meets Tru, the Inspector General, who has been tasked with finding the reason for an increase in goblin encounters beyond the citadel's walls. Their investigation soon reveals that the goblins are being directed by a powerful undead Wizard named Grock, and, worse, that there is a spy within Jurango's walls feeding the Wizard information that could lead to the citadel's downfall.

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Season 1 Podcast Part 1

Season 1 Podcast Part 1

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The Krellian Empire: A Realm in Decline


The Krellian Empire is an ancient and once-powerful realm ruled by an empress who is a direct descendant of the first imperial princess. For 1200 years, Krell has been a center of commerce, hope, peace, and prosperity. However, the empire is now experiencing a period of decline, with decadence, corruption, and internal strife weakening its defenses and emboldening its enemies.


Krell is at a crossroad. The empire's future hinges on its ability to address its internal weaknesses, unite its people, and confront the growing threats on its borders. Whether the empire can overcome these challenges and restore its former glory remains to be seen.

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Key Characteristics

Centralized Rule

The empire is ruled by an empress who is supported by an imperial council responsible for overseeing various aspects of governance, including the economy, trade, and defense.

Leagues of Magic Users

The true power within the empire lies with the four leagues of magic users: the Blades, Rangers, Wizards, and Clerics. These leagues are responsible for protecting the empire's borders and maintaining order. However, they are also engaged in constant power struggles and political maneuvering, vying for influence with the empress and the imperial council. As our conversation history notes, these rivalries have weakened the empire's defenses and made it vulnerable to exploitation by its enemies.

Four Regions

The empire is divided into four regions in addition to the central region where the capital is located. These regions are Amhurst in the west, Calmera in the east, Clovershire in the north, and Jurango in the south.

Signs of Decay

The Krellian empire in decline. Decadence and corruption are rampant, and the ruling class has become inward-looking, neglecting the needs of those on the fringes of the empire. The fortifications at Jurango, a strategically important citadel, are in disrepair, and supplies are dwindling. This neglect reflects a broader trend of apathy and complacency within the empire's leadership, making Krell susceptible to both internal and external threats.

Challenges to the Empire

External Enemies

The empire is surrounded by hostile forces, including humans, inhumans, undead, and demons, all sensing Krell's weakness and plotting its downfall. The orcs and goblins under the command of Grock and Kofu represent a significant external threat, as evidenced by their invasion of Jurango.

Internal Strife

The power struggles between the four leagues of magic users have created divisions and weakened the empire's defenses. This internal strife has led to a culture of suspicion and distrust, hindering cooperation and undermining the empire's ability to respond effectively to threats. As our conversation history points out, the Entente, a secret organization formed by leaguesmen concerned about the empire's vulnerability, represents a potential force for change.

Loss of Confidence

The empire's citizens are losing faith in their leaders' ability to protect them. The decadence and corruption within the ruling class have eroded public trust, and the neglect of strategically important outposts like Jurango has fueled a sense of abandonment and disillusionment. This loss of confidence further weakens the empire's cohesion and makes it more susceptible to internal collapse.


Leagues of Magic Users

The Krellian Empire relies on four leagues of magic users to lead its defense forces and to maintain of order within. Each league specializes in a distinct form of magic, drawing upon specific frequencies of the magical spectrum. These leagues are both essential to the empire's survival and a source of internal tension and political maneuvering.

This league specializes in manipulating the ultra-high frequencies of magic, which manifest as physical strength. Those in the Blades League, such as Jurango's commander Tomas Arghus, are renowned for their physical prowess, with a deep commitment to all combat and military matters.

The League of Blades


This league harnesses the high frequencies of magic, granting its members exceptional skills with ranged weapons like bows and arrows, ballistae, cannons, and mortars. Tru Garranger, Jurango's Inspector General, exemplifies the Rangers' expertise in combat, tracking, and survival.

The League of Rangers

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This league wields the mid- to low-level frequencies of magic, making them potentially the most powerful magic users within the empire. They study and practice arcane forms of magic, specializing in potent offensive spells. Karlati Tarmeera, one of Jurango's Sub-Commanders, represents the Wizards League, showcasing their deep knowledge of magic and its applications. However, she also demonstrates the league's tendency towards intellectual analysis and a potential detachment from practical concerns. Grock, the undead wizard, was once a highly respected member of this league before being excommunicated and banished for unspecified crimes.

The League of Wizards

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This league manipulates the low and ultra-low frequencies of magic, giving them unique access to the netherworld and insights into the spiritual realm. Clerics prioritize knowledge, truth, and understanding over combat, believing that comprehending the human spirit's place in the universe is the key to true peace. However, they also possess practical skills like healing and dealing with the undead. Erik, the main character, exemplifies the Clerics League's values, demonstrating both a thirst for knowledge and a willingness to use his powers to protect others.

The League of Clerics

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The Entente: A Force for Unity

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Recognizing the dangers posed by the leagues' disunity, a group of leaguesmen has formed a secret organization called the Entente. Their mission is to work within and across the four leagues to shore up the empire's faltering defenses and overcome the internal divisions threatening its survival.

The existence of the Entente suggests that there is hope for the Krellian Empire. However, their task is daunting, as they must navigate the treacherous waters of inter-league politics and intrigue, while attempting to overcome centuries of ingrained suspicion and distrust. Whether the Entente can succeed in uniting the leagues and restoring the empire's strength remains to be seen.

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      Jurango is a citadel on the far-flung fringes of the Krell Empire. It guards a crucial mountain pass that has never been breached by any invading army in a thousand years. It is heavily fortified with an outer and inner wall, a vast array of artillery, and a dedicated military force. With its long and illustrious history, many valiant heroes and heroines were forged in the fires of epic battles defending Krell. For as long as the empire has thrived, no invading army has ever broken through the outpost's daunting defenses. For this reason, Jurango has long been synonymous with Krell's sovereignty.

      Yet even here, there are signs of decline -- fortifications in disrepair, dwindling supplies, ebbing morale, and a malaise seeping into the very soul of a once intrepid community. For everyone has their secrets.

      And lurking just beneath the surface of Jurango's crumbling ramparts and bulwarks, there are mysteries yet to uncover.


       It is into this setting that Erik, a young and adventurous novice Cleric, soon finds himself. He arrives at Jurango prepared to do his part protecting his failing homeland, pursuing his mission with an almost childlike enthusiasm. But soon, he discovers his arrival has instead set in motion the final stage of a powerful enemy’s long-laid plans for invasion.

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