Principle Characters of Jurango

Erik of Clovershire
Greenhorn Cleric
Erik excels in the Clerics League, and graduated at the top of his class. His master (his personal tutor and guide) sees in Erik an intense, studious resolve to do whatever is necessary to protect his homeland. So, she advocates him to be selected for a risky, high profile mission to the fringes of the empire: to a ancient stalwart citadel known as Jurango.

Tru (Trudence) Garranger
Jurango's Inspector General
Tru’s inquisitiveness and powers of observation have landed her as the Inspector General (I.G.) of the citadel, Jurango. She is also an experienced fighter in the Rangers League. Having been in many brutal campaigns beyond the walls, she has learned to not develop attachments. She prefers working alone, which makes her job as IG the perfect assignment, that is, until Erik shows up at her doorstep.

Defrocked Wizard and Undead
Grock was once a great Sorcerer, highly regarded within his league. But when he commits a particular heinous crime, he is found guilty, excommunicated by the league, turned undead, and banished to live an eternity in torment beyond the borders of the empire. For years, he traveled about, surviving only using his magical abilities. The torment he experiences only heightens his desires to exact revenge on his league and on the empire, until it becomes a feared pitch.

Commander of the Orc Armies
Combat is an orc's only means of demonstrating their true fortitude: physical strength, grit, and bravery. And it is these qualities that landed Kofu as Supreme Commander of the Demon Lord's orc army. Kofu, like all orcs, lives and breathes for the glory of battle. So, when his Demon Lord offered him, under the direction of the undead wizard Grock, the opportunity to bring down the ancient empire Krell, Kofu seizes the moment.

Bryce was born in Jurango, and has always lived there. He desired nothing more than to be a soldier--fully prepared to fight and die for the empire. But a freak accident as a child left him with a club foot, and the empire refused to take him into the army. With no real vocation, he barely makes a living cleaning the stables and taking care of the few horses remaining at the citadel. He takes on other menial tasks such as gardening and washing dirty laundry from the barracks to help him get by. Over time, forgotten, he grows embittered, blaming the empire and citadel command for his situation.

Tomas Arghus
Commander, Jurango Citadel
Tomas has been the commander of the citadel, Jurango, long enough to believe that the stronghold, its village, and all its inhabitants are under his own personal rule. He demands unquestioning loyalty from everyone, and is quite willing (some believe happy) to use whatever means at his disposal to ensure this happens (extortion, bribery, intimidation, torture). Of late, Tru has become an especially irritating thorn in his foot as she does not respect his authority. And it has been months since he has made an example of someone worthy of his wrath.

Karlati Tarmeera
Sub-Commander, Barracks
Karlati Tarmeera has had a gambling problem for some time. And, for several years, luck more than skill has kept her out of trouble. But luck is a fickle spirit as Karlati’s luck changed overnight. It wasn’t long before she finds herself deep in debt, and those she owes coin to don’t do easy payment plans.

Garrett Smallwood ("Beef")
Owner, The White Stallion Pub
Someone, years ago, nicknamed Garrett “Beef” because of his size, and the name stuck. Garrett never really liked the name, though attempts to rectify the branding fell on deaf ears.

Captured Goblin
Found unconscious among the bodies of a massacre between a patrol of Jurango soldiers and a band of goblins, now he awaits his sentencing in the citadel's brig.

Nothing is known about this individual.

Dungeon Guard
Oversees Jurango's Brig
A gruff Imperial sergeant, he is a veteran of many battles with goblins, orcs, trolls, and undead. But now, he is too old to run patrols and put out to pasture, assigned to dungeon duty, which he despises with a passion. When he is given charge to watch over a captured goblin (Shoak), he is bent on exacting all his frustration and hatred on the little green creature.

Molly was born and raised at Jurango. She is young, impetuous, inquisitive, and outwardly innocent about the world. Recently, she has taken a position cleaning some of the officers’ quarters.

Old Master
Erik's Cleric Master
Old Master is Erik's Cleric master, a senior member of the Clerics League.

Empress of Krell
Hera is the sixty-fourth empress of the empire, Krell. She has dedicated her life for the greater good of all those she rules over, and has sacrificed her greatest treasure. Her devotion to the empire makes her strong, but it also blinds her to the truth: that her great and ancient empire, after more than a thousand years, is failing.

Demon Lord
Demon and All-Around "Bad Guy"
​For a millennium, the demon lord Isu-Kitso has dreamt of the great empire Krell's destruction. So when the undead Wizard Grock tells her that he possesses the means of razing Jurango, the impenetrable fortress that stands in the way of her dream, she acquiesces and gives him command over her orc and goblin armies. Her lack of faith in Grock's abilities, though, does not concern her, as she is playing a much longer game: one that holds the promise of entertainment greater even than bringing the glorious Krell to its unyielding knees.
Supporting Characters of Jurango

Goblin Messenger
Goblin Slave
Goblin Messenger is a slave, captured in a far-off war between two goblin clans. Now, he delivers message to the goblin lord, "Grock, the Magnificent."

Gate Captain
Captain of Jurango's Gate
Gate Captain is a seasoned veteran of the imperial army, and a member of the Wizards League. A decorated soldier, he has risen through the ranks to be placed in charge of securing Jurango’s back wall (to Jurango town).

A young and upcoming Wizard, his first assignment in the empress's imperial forces was at Jurango.

Wall Commander
Subcommander, Wall Security
Like many of the citadel's sub-commanders, he has been given a single responsibility: to maintain vigilance along the citadel's outer wall and to only open the outer gate if certain it cannot be compromised.

Kofu's Personal Aide-de-Camp
He is Commander of the Orc Army's (Kofu’s) personal aide and right-hand "man."

Goblin 1
Leader of Goblin Squad
One of Ghor-Roc's most loyal subjects, he has been assigned the privilege of leading a squad of goblins in the protection of Goblin Town.

Goblin Witch
Goblin Instructor on Magic
Goblin Witch is responsible for training goblin magic users on their craft. Also a devoted follower of Grock, she often takes his suggestions to heart, often with her own special flare.

Greer Stonemarke
Jurango Store Owner
Greer is the owner of a bakery in Jurango town. His business has fallen on hard times and when his wife becomes sick, is no longer able to make his tax payments to the citadel commander.

Gate Guard 1
Jurango Soldier
Gate Guard 1 has attitude, which has landed her into trouble many times. After an unfortunate recent encounter with several imperial guards, she has been assigned a boring and meaningless task: to watch over the town gate. And she hates the job with a passion.

Guard 1
Jurango Soldier
Guard 1 is a town guardsman who takes his job seriously: patrolling the streets, keeping citizens safe, and, on occasion, taking on tasks from the citadel's comptroller. He and his partner have been tasked to return to the dead Wizard’s (Aldritch’s) quarters to retrieve a missing ruby ring. When they arrive, they discover there is already a new occupant: a Cleric. This small fact won’t deter him from his mission.

Guard 2
Jurango Soldier
Guard 2, a town guardsman, sees her job as just that: a job. And it is one that keeps her busy most days (with all the crime in town). She finds herself often assigned to work with Guard 1. And she is often annoyed by his bulldoggedness.

Goblin Guard 1
Jurango Soldier
Goblin Guard 1 is not the brightest bulb in the box. And it is for this reason that he is assigned the simplest tasks: like guarding Grock's dungeon, which is empty nearly all the time. Even then, he gets things wrong.

Goblin Guard 2
Jurango Soldier
Goblin Guard 2 is only slightly brighter than his cohort, Goblin Guard 1. But when they are together, it’s not hard for him to come off as the genius of the two.

Patrol Leader
Jurango Soldier
A smart and talented Ranger leaguesman, she has been leading patrols out on the sand dunes west of Jurango's walls for several years.

Patrol Sergeant
Jurango Soldier
A veteran of several imperial wars, Patrol Sergeant makes it his personal responsibility to ensure everyone in his patrol marches back through Jurango's gates safely, especially his patrol leader.

Mid-Level Blade Leaguesman
Sturges is known for his heavy handedness when dealing with Jurango's locals. He hates his assignment at the citadel and hopes that doing whatever the commander, Tomas, requests will get him a better appointment elsewhere.

Captain, Imperial Guard
Leader of the special forces unit: Imperial Guard
A well trained Ranger, she quickly rose through the military ranks of her league until she landed the position of being the captain of the empress's personal guard. And she takes her job with utmost seriousness!
Walk-On Characters of Jurango

Pub Singer
Singer at The White Stallion
A local woman, she can be found most evenings singing at The White Stallion for a few coins to help with her ailing parents.

Guitar Man
Jurango Soldier
Jurango retired local bondsman.